Hey everyone!
Blog post #50!!! I cannot believe it! When I started this blog, I thought I would only write about twenty.
To celebrate, I will try to summarize my strategy for recovery. This is the action plan that I gradually forged with the help of several doctors.
1- Stabilize heart function
With the pericarditis, I first had a lot of pain attacks, tachycardia, extrasystoles, too much tension, etc.
I stabilized all this with a beta blocker (lisoprolol – Isoten Minor) and Coenzyme Q10. Hawthorn tea and a garlic-mistletoe-hawthorn dietary supplement are also helpful, especially after stopping the beta-blocker.
For more information (click on the underlined words to read the other blog posts), see the posts TACHYCARDIA and ALL THE PAINS.
2- Make up for dietary deficiencies
I very quickly lost weight (10 kg) and noticed dietary deficiencies. My body was no longer absorbing nutrients, even though I was eating three times as much as before the disease. Loss of muscle and fat, skin of an 80-year-old, and eventually decalcification of the bones (osteoporosis). The body will look for the nutrients it needs where it finds them. If the body cannot assimilate the nutrients, it will look for them in the tissues and bones to protect vital functions.
I consulted a nutritionist and took food supplements: liposomal vitamins C, vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium (+ Epsom salt baths for better absorption), Omega 3-6-9, vitamin K2, iodine, probiotics, enzymes, vitamin B complex, Quinton water.
See the article LOSING MY BONES.
3- Gain weight
I undertook a special diet to restore the digestive system and limit the inflammatory effect of certain foods. I had lost 10 kg. I took 12… or even more. To be continued.
See the blog posts on the NON-INFLAMMATORY DIET.
4- Treat Lyme disease
I have not found any causes other than Lyme disease to explain my chronic pericarditis.
I treat myself with mother tinctures (Teasel, Japanese Knotweed and Artemisia) because it was too late to take antibiotics (several years without diagnosis or treatment).
It is essential to detox well to protect the liver and kidneys. For this, I use milk thistle tincture, activated charcoal, nettle tea, lipoic acid and Epsom salt baths.
5- Treat brain fog and anxiety
Immense fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, problems with concentration and short-term memory, flashes in the head, headaches, etc. My brain no longer functions normally.
What helps me the most is liposomal glutathione and exercises to activate the vagus nerve.
I also talk about the anxiety that a disease like pericarditis generates, but for me it is due to dietary deficiencies and poor brain function. What helps me the most are Omega 3-6-9 and Liposomal Glutathione.
Click here to read the blog post MUSIC.
6- Heal pericarditis
Yes, it comes last! In the absence of effectiveness of the classic treatments for pericarditis (salicylates destroy my inner ears and colchicine had no effect despite 18 months of treatment), I tried many alternatives of which I speak on my blog. What didn't work for me might be useful for you because we are all different.
At this stage, what seems to work best for me is marine collagen (10 gr per day, with a therapeutic window from time to time). It might be due to Lyme (which is known to attack and destroy collagen), but it's also true that the pericardium is made of collagen and it's fixing my gut at the same time. Who knows what it does to the brain?!
See the blog post MARINE COLLAGEN.
I do not self-medicate and it is always with the agreement of my doctor that I take these products. In addition, I do tests every 4 months to make sure that the liver and kidneys are supporting all these treatments well.
Above all, I rely on the fact that my body is capable of repairing itself, provided that I give it the means to do so. My body has lost this self-repair function. But by healing everything else, I hope it will allow my body to function properly and heal my pericarditis.
I hope this quick summary will be helpful to you in establishing your own healing strategy. Stay strong!
Pericordially yours,