I hope these recipes will give you inspiration to warm you up with a good bowl of soup during the long months of fall and winter.
To celebrate blog post #50, I will try to summarize my healing strategy for you (lots of links).
Crave for pancakes or muffins? Sometimes we want to indulge ourselves without completely ruining the non-inflammatory diet. Here are 4 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free and lectin-free recipes. Delicious and easy! Enjoy!
Completely reviewing your diet to either reduce or eliminate gluten is not an easy task. There is a lot of trial and error. Here are some changes I made to adapt my diet to a gluten-free diet.
Sugar is pro-inflammatory and we hear often that we should get rid of sugar. But sugar is everywhere. How can we do that?
Have you ever heard of lectins? Did you know that lectins in food can cause inflammation? Lectins are found in almost all food, but some contain so much that they can increase inflammation and therefore pain due to pericarditis.
I love coffee! But, alas, coffee increases tachycardia and pain caused by pericarditis. It's the same with tea. Here is what I drink to replace coffee and tea.
Some foods are pro-inflammatory, meaning they increase inflammation in the body when we eat them. How to set up a non-inflammatory diet? Learn more…
It's my favorite breakfast. So healthy and delicious, I never get tired of it. This easy recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar free. I also avoid lectins so as not to aggravate the inflammation caused by my pericarditis. Enjoy!