Hey everyone!
In this blogpost, I will try to find the right words to talk about Lyme disease.
It is such a controversial subject, involving so much suffering and despair. That's why it seems so delicate to me. Little or nothing is said about pericarditis. But what about Lyme?! How is it possible that the truth fails to be heard?
Very humbly, I can only tell my story and thus bring my little stone to the building.
My pericarditis started at the end of March 2018 and, as I was not healing despite the treatments (colchicine and Ibuprofen), a cardiologist sent me to a virologist who gave me a series of fairly extensive blood tests aimed at looking for the causes of recurrent pericarditis. I will not dwell on the technical details, but it is possible to look in these blood tests for antibodies linked to viruses (such as AIDS, Epstein Barr, cytomegalovirus, herpes, hepatitis), and signs of self- immunity (lupus, Mediterranean familial disease) which are linked to complex cases of pericarditis.
It is in this context that a first test turned out, in my case, positive for Lyme disease. However, the virologist wanted to have the sample checked, and then told me that the second test was negative. It was then in December 2018 and I was quite happy with this good news. I thought I would recover quickly from my pericarditis since no underlying cause had been detected by these tests.
But the months passed, and almost 2 years later, in 2020, I consulted a doctor specialized in Lyme disease who, in view of my condition and my medical reports, asked me what it was of Lyme. How had I been cared for? The track had not been pursued, despite the recurrence of my pericarditis and the absence of other causes explaining my condition (extreme weakness, brain fog, etc.).
He took blood tests for Lyme disease again, which came back positive. I then started a specific treatment based on mother tinctures (Teasel, Artemisia and Japanese Knotweed) taken in alternating combination and in rotation over 4 weeks. The implementation of this treatment took more than 6 months and this, because of the Herxheimer reactions which forced me to very gradually increase the doses.
At first, the effects were so violent that the doctor asked me to stop the treatment for 15 days. Then, I very slowly introduced one product after another and increased the doses by applying the progression that I explain in my article on the 21-day rule to which I refer you.
Detox is also very important, and I have already talked about it in another blogpost: Milk Thistle mother tincture, Epsom salt baths, activated charcoal, nettle tea. I had an allergic reaction to chlorella, but some people use it.
Every 3 or 4 months, I do tests to see the state of the kidneys, liver and intestines, because these products can have significant toxicity. Always be attentive to the medical follow-up when you follow such cures because the toxins released by the death of the bacteria can be destructive for the organs which clean our organism.
Little by little, I see an improvement. Right from the start, my doctor warned me that it could take 2 years, and that's probably a minimum, because I had been infected for several years before starting treatment.
Before I got sick, I did a lot of sports. In particular, I ran 3-4 times a week in the woods. So it makes sense to me that I was infected with Lyme disease before I got the coronavirus (SARS in early 2018) as I talked about in my previous blog post.
I probably got infected with Lyme in 2016 or 2017. Around June 2017, I was so exhausted that I had to switch to a 4/5 work schedule. It was already a sign of Lyme disease, but I didn't understand it at the time. Then, during the winter of 2017-2018, I had 3 illnesses of viral origin with antibiotics, which was not normal for me who was never sick.
I was careful with my diet, I didn't smoke, I practiced sports. I felt like I was doing whatever it takes to stay healthy.
I think the combination of a coronavirus with bacteria, like borrelia which causes Lyme disease, can really mess up the functioning of several organs: heart, pericardium, brain, immune system, digestive system,…
It took me several years to figure it out on my own. Because current medicine is not ready for this, alas!
I've heard all kinds of things about Lyme disease, from "It can be cured in a few days with antibiotics" to "He didn't die of untreated Lyme disease, he died of Charcot disease. ". A cardiologist told me: “Oh! You can rest easy! Stop all these treatments! Lyme disease does not exist! »
Lyme disease is undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood diseases and patients are constantly victims of medical gaslighting.
I hope to see a change, for me and for all the other patients, because it is very painful for me to see so many people suffering without the slightest gesture being made to help them heal.
Pericordially yours,