Hey everyone!
For some time, on the advice of my doctor, I have been testing vagus nerve stimulation exercises to see if it can help me heal.
The vagus nerve, also called vagal nerve, parasympathetic nerve, cardio-pneumo-enteric nerve or cardiac nerve, is a very long nerve located on each side of the body, running from the skull to the abdomen. The vagus nerve is very extensive and plays a major role at the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive levels. In short, everything that is wrong with me, especially the heart, the digestive system and the immune system.
I also have a lot of problems with my brain that are likely to be related to the vagus nerve: headaches, flashes in the head when falling asleep and waking up, dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
Here are some exercises I try:
If you search the internet, you will find videos of this type of exercise aimed at stimulating the vagus nerve.
• Sit comfortably in the lotus position or on a chair with your back straight.
• Place left hand on top of head
• Tilt the head to the left.
• Then, look to the right and hold the position for one minute while breathing calmly.
• Do the same on the right (tilt the head to the right using the right hand and look to the left).
A complementary exercise consists in doing the same thing as the first exercise by adding the right hand resting on the ribs on the left and pulling gently to the right. Same thing on the other side by reversing the positions of the hands.
These exercises make me feel slightly dizzy. I'm crossing my fingers that this is a positive sign...
I was not surprised to learn that yoga stimulates the vagus nerve, perhaps in a less intense way. But a soft yoga session is always better than nothing on the days when it is possible.
Singing would activate the vagus nerve. Even just chanting a few OM would be beneficial. Any song will do as it will create vibrations inside the rib cage that will stimulate the vagus nerve.
I have practiced Vedic Chanting for many years, so I am trying to get back into it. Chanting the GAYATRI, in particular, brings me joy and energy. If it helps stimulate the vagus nerve, even better.
In Vedic Chanting, the OM (or AUM) is said to be three and a half beats. Pronounce O for 3 beats, then close your lips to pronounce M for ½ beat. The OM gives the middle note, the Vedic Chanting comprising only 3 notes: middle, high and low. So simple!
I don't know if all this will have a beneficial impact, but it can't hurt, it seems to me.
In terms of good news, the frequency and intensity of the flashes in my head are starting to decrease. Of course, I cannot attribute this favorable evolution to these exercises alone because many other treatments are in progress. But it's good news that I wanted to share on the blog.
Pericordially yours,