Marine Collagen
Hey everyone!
Having a little-known condition like pericarditis sometimes requires doing your own experiments.
In my case, I don't have much choice. I am testing different dietary supplements to see what might help me heal, or at least relieve me a little of the pain in the pericardium.
An experiment that I will start is to increase the doses of collagen that I take. I just got the green light from my doctor. It wouldn't be dangerous, but to tell the truth, he doesn't know any more than I do... Who knows exactly what’s going on, by the way?!
As always, a small disclaimer: I share my experience of the disease, but I do not give advice. You are the person who knows your situation and your state of health best.
For one thing, the pericardium is made up of collagen. Hope this helps, especially when I hear the weird noises my pericardium is making.
On the other hand, it is possible that my pericarditis persists because of borreliosis (Lyme disease) which would have the annoying tendency to attack the collagen.
In short, it is a theory that is worth another. Repair the collagen in my pericardium that may have been damaged.
I have been taking 2 capsules of Lepivits Marine Collagen (i.e. 500 mg) in the evening before going to sleep for several months. But that doesn't seem to be enough.
So, I now start taking 10 grams of marine collagen powder in a smoothie in the morning every other day. Many brands offer this type of product. I chose to try Dynveo Marine Collagen.
I gradually increased the doses to reach 10 grams because the effects are quickly felt on my intestines. But in my case, it's just a matter of getting used to it and after 3 times my body had already gotten used to it.
Just like for the essential oils I told you about some time ago, I will make an update on the evolution when I have enough perspective to assess the effects.
It takes time, but I am convinced that my body can repair itself.
I have a little more perspective now with marine collagen, and it seems to me that it is time to add this update to this post.
I have now been taking 10 grams of marine collagen for several months and I have seen an improvement in my pericarditis, but also my intestines, my skin, my tendons and joints. I am not cured of my pericarditis, but my condition is improving, and I think it is partly due to the marine collagen I am taking. The pain is less severe and my resistance increases.
I take 10 grams of powdered marine collagen, either in a smoothie or in vanilla coconut yogurt. The best for me is at night. This is when I absorb it best.
The first times were not easy. Lots of stomach aches. In particular, 3 full nights without sleep due to terrible stomach cramps. But I persisted, and finally, my body assimilates better and without pain, this collagen.
I tried supplementing it with vegetable collagen, but that caused new digestive issues, so I decided to stick with marine collagen.
I do a small therapeutic window from time to time. But overall, after several weeks, I manage to take it every day. I had started by taking it every third day, then every other day, while gradually increasing the doses.
Digestion and transit have improved, which I think is great for my overall recovery. I gained weight. I had lost 10 kg while eating 3 times more than usual. I gained 12 kg and so I halved what I eat. I'm not sure what's going on. Does marine collagen make me fat, or does nutrient uptake improve and I gain weight again? What is certain is that my health comes before my weight and my appearance. I continue the marine collagen in the hope that it heals me, and too bad for the extra pounds. I will have plenty of time to lose them when I am cured.
My overall impression is positive in that I think it's muscle that's reforming, not fat. My skin is much more beautiful. These are outward signs, but I think the organs are repairing themselves too.
Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there are no means of controlling collagen in the human body. I have no test to check what is happening, nor to quantify the collagen absorbed.
But it makes sense, as I said above, since the pericardium is largely made up of collagen, and Lyme disease destroys that precious collagen in the various organs.
I will therefore continue the experiment and hope that this is the right path for the complete cure of my pericarditis.
Pericordially yours,