Hey everyone!

The first treatment I received for pericarditis was a combination of colchicine and Aspegic in very high doses (up to 3 grams per day).

I immediately started to have tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss and headaches. I was becoming deaf and I could hear a constant whirring in my head, similar to airplane rotors. The dizziness was so severe that I could not stand up. My head felt heavy and my condition was getting worse day by day.

I informed the doctors, but they did not understand that I was reacting to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to which I am intolerant. They simply told me that I was “anxious” and that I should stop worrying. So I continued the treatment. But I felt that something was wrong.

I managed to consult an ENT specialist, who confirmed that taking Aspegic in high doses was the cause of my dizziness and tinnitus. He added that he had no idea that such high doses of Aspirin were prescribed for pericarditis, and that this drug is ototoxic (i.e. toxic to the inner ear) and is used on laboratory mice to cause dizziness.

I immediately stopped taking Aspégic, but three weeks had already passed, and I was left with permanent after-effects. The dizziness lasted for several years. And the tinnitus remained. After 7 years, I think they will never stop, alas! It is the end of the silence. There will always be this noise that will accompany me wherever I go and whatever I do.

Tinnitus is a high-pitched noise, buzzing, whistling, crackling, which is part of hearing. It is a source of stress and irritation. I will devote another blog post to explain how I manage it, since I now have to live with it permanently.

As for the vertigo, several causes have accumulated, without me being able to say whether they are related or not. But this makes the diagnosis more complicated. As always, it was necessary to test everything a little bit until finding the right solutions.

Here are the causes of dizziness that I have been able to identify:

1/ Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)

As I have just explained, I am intolerant to salicylates and acetylsalicylic acid. It therefore depends on each person's tolerance. Generally speaking, you have to be careful with people with hearing problems.

There is a way to test for intolerance to salicylates, particularly in Germany and Australia. Before prescribing high doses of Aspegic, this test should be mandatory so as not to risk damaging the patient's inner ears.

For me, it's too late! There will always be this noise that will accompany me wherever I go and whatever I do.

2/ Displaced crystals in the inner ear

Tiny calcium crystals are present in the inner ear, and they are fixed. Sometimes they come loose and move, which can cause dizziness and imbalance. They must then be put back in place by precise body movements. You must consult an ENT doctor who specializes in vertigo pathologies. I had no idea that there were sub-specializations in each medical discipline. So, initially, I consulted an ENT without knowing his specialty, and he did not refer me to one of his colleagues who specialized in vertigo. So I lost several months before a secretary, when making yet another appointment, asked me why I was consulting and told me that it would be better for me to meet the doctor who specializes in vertigo.

From the first consultation, I noticed a very big improvement. The crystals were put back in their place. I could never thank this secretary enough. But I had already lost almost a year.

3/ Vagal nerve

I had already talked about this problem in my article #37-VAGUS NERVE ACTIVATION, where I explained the exercises I did.

These exercises helped me and I think that the vagus nerve was also one of the factors that caused imbalances and dizziness.

4/ Heart problems

Heart problems and blood pressure problems are often cited as the origin of discomfort and dizziness.

Is this also part of the symptoms of pericarditis?

I can't say. But if it is, doctors could conclude that it is not necessary to look further for the origin of the dizziness, while several causes are added.

Stay vigilant if this is your case.

5/ Strabismus in the eyes

I consulted a neurologist, who was not of much help to me, and ENT specialists. One of them referred me to an ophthalmologist because I have a strabismus in my eyes, which could cause vertigo. In my case, however, I have had this strabismus under control since childhood, so I did not see the link with the vertigo.

I was offered surgery to correct the strabismus. This consisted of 4 incisions in each eye. As for whether this had an effect on the vertigo, I was told that we would only know once the operation was performed…

Every surgery has risks, and I refused this operation which seemed useless to me. Maybe one day, it will be necessary. But not for now.

6/ Pregnenolone deficiency

I finally found the cause of the flashes in the head, the vertigo, the brain fog and the lack of concentration, when a doctor discovered a pregnenolone deficiency. The last symptoms are on the way to stabilization thanks to taking pregnenolone, SOD and PQQ.

In conclusion, the causes of dizziness are multiple. There are probably many more. I have limited myself to the hypotheses that concern me or that have been considered in my case.

We must persevere to find the solution(s).


Pericordially yours,



