Missing since 3 1/2 year today
Hey everyone!
Missing since 3 ½ years today.
Sad anniversary. I try to put some colors on this rather scary story.
It all started in March 2018. A simple virus. An unknown and unnamed virus.
I was very sick, but nothing to worry about. I was never sick. Non-smoker, healthy food, exercise 3 to 4 times a week.
It came slowly. Insidiously. At first, I was a little dizzy, nauseous and lost my appetite. Then a high fever, scary nightmares, I didn’t sleep or eat for 4 days and 4 nights. I felt better when I started to cough. It was very deep. I spat my lungs out.
3 weeks after onset I started waking up in the middle of the night with chest pain. During the day the pain was not that bad. Just a squeeze around my heart. But suddenly I had tachycardia and shortness of breath. The weakness appeared. I was so tired.
I started to worry because my heart was concerned. I had to stop exercising. The pain in my chest was not the same during the day. I sometimes wondered if it was real or not. Pain in the middle of the night, but it stopped as soon as I got up. It came and went. Incomprehensible.
I spoke to a friend who asked a young doctor about my symptoms. And I got this information: it could be pericarditis caused by a virus. Check this out: the pain increases when you lie on your back. If it hurts when you are standing, try leaning forward to see if the pain decreases or goes away.
Still on the phone with my friend, I leaned forward and the pain subsided and almost disappeared. I got my answer: PERICARDITIS!! Inflammation of the pericardium. I didn't even know I had a pericardium around my heart. What a discovery!
The pain is still sticking to me 3 ½ years later. It was worse. Much worse. And then a very, very slow improvement. It is a medical nightmare as there is still a lot to be discovered about this disease and how to diagnose and cure it. It is very painful and disabling. But there is still hope!
I'm trying to put some pretty drawings and colors on this non-fairy tale because I want to speak out loud and make a difference for people living with pericarditis or chronic illness. But frankly, I don't know how. Because of the emotional aspects, lack of energy, etc., I can't show or watch the sad part. I want to help and share my too long experience, and the only way for me is to do it by creating some pretty pictures. Colors to cover the darkness.
Thank you for reading my story! To see the updates, click on MY STORY on top or below this page!
Pericordially yours,
Pericordial Heart Thank You