Hey everyone!
In my battle against the disease, I have encountered several major challenges. First, healing from pericarditis, managing inflammation, pain and tachycardia. Then, dizziness and tinnitus. And finally, fatigue, brain fog, concentration problems.
I thought that the fatigue would go away once I was out of pericarditis.
I was wrong. To this day, I still have not completely recovered my pre-illness energy. This is my longest battle. Diagnosis is difficult. It could also be multiple. And here again we are approaching the limits of medical knowledge.
You probably know about the spoon theory or the battery theory. I talked about it in one of my previous articles on this blog (#4–THE SPOON THEORY OR THE BATTERY THEORY).
Here is how I was able to recover energy (or gain spoons). Of course, this is what works for me, and my goal is simply to share my experience.
Nothing new in this article, but rather a summary of what allowed me to recover energy.
I will skip over the pacing, the balanced diet and all the fairly obvious advice, but not always effective or sufficient. No criticism from me, but I prefer to get straight to the point: my body has suffered a lot and recovery is a long road strewn with pitfalls.
Here are the 5 supplements that help me on a daily basis:
This is the first thing I tried and that gave me energy, in addition to having the advantage of stabilizing my heart rate. I took 200 mg per day of ubiquinole for a long time, which is the best assimilated form. I reduced the doses to 150 mg per day. Then, at 100 mg per day since I have been taking pregnenolone. I think that for better heart health, I will stay on this dosage for life.
It took me a long time to understand that taking glutathione was necessary for me. I tried NAC, which is a precursor of glutathione, without success. Here too, I need a form that is easily assimilated by my body, and it is called liposomal glutathione that is found in liquid or capsule form. Quantity to be adapted according to your doctor's prescriptions. I had to increase it with the taking of SOD because it would "consume" more glutathione.
This is a masterful preparation from the pharmacist after having done blood tests. In my case, pregnenolone is necessary so that I can concentrate and be productive. I had electric flashes in my head when falling asleep that have disappeared since I compensate for my pregnenolone deficiency.
The latest arrivals on my breakfast menu. I just dedicated an article to them: #69-SOD AND PQQ.
Apart from PQQ, you can test them all with a blood test to objectify a deficiency and ensure follow-up with your favorite doctor.
Apart from pregnenolone, they are all available over the counter. But it is important to have good medical follow-up because all these substances interact.
As usual, I do not give medical advice.
If you want to know more about my healing journey, you can read the articles I have devoted to each subject individually by clicking on the titles.
Pericordially yours,