Hey everyone!
Originally, I did not intend to write a blog post on the method which is called "pericardium liberation therapy". But I have repeatedly received questions about it, so I thought it might finally be useful to talk about it.
The subject seems controversial to me. Hence my reluctance to talk about it.
But let's start at the beginning! What is called "pericardium liberation therapy"?
For those who don't know, this is a therapy, or method (I also find it might be controversial to call it "therapy") created by Montserrat Gascon to free your heart and soul.
It gives you some keywords if you want to do your own research.
I heard about it from a friend around October 2018, when I was in full relapse after having attempted a particularly wild cardiac revalidation. At that time, it became clear that I was not cured and that the drugs had no effect on my body. But I had very little knowledge of pericarditis and my physical condition was extremely degraded. Suffice to say that my brain was out of order.
This friend made the first contacts and strongly encouraged me to try to treat myself by this method. You know when well-meaning people tell you that you don't do enough, that you don't try hard enough to heal, that illnesses don't happen for no reason. The mega guilt trip.
Whether! Illnesses happen for no reason and it's bad luck if current medicine is not yet sufficiently advanced to treat pericarditis that goes wrong.
In short, at the end of 2018, I went there telling myself that I had nothing to lose, that at worst I would lose a little money. I went there at the cost of excruciating pain and I did 3 sessions in all (which seems to be the recommended minimum), 2 or 3 weeks apart.
The first session started with a discussion to find out what brought me there. The "therapist" had never heard of pericarditis and I was obviously her first case. She thought it was very cool that I could feel my pericardium. Apparently, some people would even doubt its existence. In short, the session continued with a kind of energetic or spiritual cleansing (I don't know how to call it) where I was lying on a physiotherapist's table (dressed and covered with a blanket, anyway!) for that the "therapist" proceeded by laying on of hands accompanied by many more or less audible esoteric incantations. I remember that I almost felt asleep and we thanked the spirits very much.
All this lasted about an hour and a half.
Her recommendations were oriented towards “Make peace with your past!” and “Develop your creativity!” ". Good! I made peace with my past a very long time ago, and I don't think I lack creativity in my life. That is!
Given the hell I was going through, I went back for 2 other quite similar sessions. Without results. No effects, neither positive nor negative.
In conclusion, I do not recommend this method at all to cure pericarditis. I am in no way opposed to anything spiritual. And this is precisely the reason why I do not recommend the pericardium liberation therapy to cure pericarditis. Besides, I do not think that those who practice this method claim to cure pericarditis.
It is a spiritual method that does not enter the field of medicine. We are not on the same level. I think the purpose of this method may be to live happier, but not to cure pericarditis.
Here is my assessment.
- It had no effect on my pericarditis.
- It is a spiritual method that does not enter the field of medicine, which is why I would not call it therapeutic.
- It's really very expensive (it still cost me 300 EUR for 3 sessions).
- It was wasted time, lost money and lost hope for recovery.
- It's an experience, and every experience is valuable to me.
- I can say I've tried it before to those who give me the unsolicited advice "Have you ever tried pericardium liberation?" »
- I swore to myself to do absolutely everything I could to heal, and I will continue to do everything I can.
- I am super clean on all energetic-spiritual levels, that is a certain fact. I'm cool that way! That's done!
- If you want to use a particular spiritual method and it seems to make sense to you, then go for it!
- I helped someone to feed themselves by giving them my money.
It is an experience that I do not regret and that I had at a time when I had the money. Having since lost my job and most of my income to illness, I could not afford it today.
For the peace of my mind, I can tell myself that I really did everything I could to heal.
At the end of the day, we all do the best we can to get by.
Pericordially yours,